Friday, December 3, 2010

Japan and Hello Kitty!

Yay! FINALLY it's spring break. Even though it is only a week long, I'm planning to enjoy as much as I can without working on school related things because this is the last break before the 2009-2010 school year is over. This spring break, I think my mom and I are going to Japan. However, we're not going to the crowded cities of Japan like Tokyo, but to the countryside where we can really REST. I think Japan is a very nice country to visit when you're in Korea because it's really close and shares much of its cultures with us although they are very different on the other hand. So, since I am leaving for Japan soon, I tried making a character of Hello Kitty, which is a very popular character in Japan; it's almost like a mascot of Japan actually. I bought the clay used for clay art for the first time in my life to make Hello Kitty, and they are COOL. Unlike other clays, it is soft, light, and easy to mix with other colors. Because it was the first time I tried doing clay art, I couldn't take any pictures of the steps, but it wasn't very hard to make them. The final result was very cute :)

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